Greer, P. B., Dahl, K., Ebert, M. A., White, M., Wratten, C., Ostwald, P., Pichler, P., Denham, J. W.. Elsevier; 2008. Assessment of a daily online implanted fiducial marker-guided prostate radiotherapy process.
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Greer, P. B., Dahl, K., Ebert, M. A., Wratten, C., White, M., Denham, J. W.. Elsevier; 2008. Comparison of prostate set-up accuracy and margins with off-line bony anatomy corrections and online implanted fiducial-based corrections.
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Greer, P., Dahl, K., Ostwald, P., Denham, J., Lau, P., Hughes, C. F., White, M.. Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine; 2006. An investigation of MRI dose planning for high precision prostate radiotherapy.